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- Written by Super User
- Category: Cubs-Category
- Hits: 1716
Thank you for your interest in Scouting in Leighton Buzzard.
Church Riverside welcomes all young people between the ages of 6yrs and 14yrs.
Scouting in Leighton Buzzard is very popular at present and **we have a waiting list for some sections**. We have over 50 children within our membership across all age ranges.
Therefore, we have to plan and allocate places very carefully, to accommodate existing members moving through from the younger sections.
Currently nearly all places are allocated and we are now operating a waiting list system.
Our policy is that admission of children of our volunteer leaders get priority, and any parent committing to help regularly can bypass waiting lists for their children.
If your son/daughter would like to join please complete the online membership application form below
Your application will then be considered for the next intake, or added to the waiting list as appropriate.
Note that there are other Scout Groups located in the town that may have vacancies and we can put you in touch, if required.
If you have any questions please contact us through the Enquiries@crscouts email address.
At Church Riverside we have one section meeting for each of the age groups as follows.
Currently due to flooding, all sections are meeting on Wednesday evenings
at 1st Leighton Buzzard Scout HQ on Grovebury Road.
Sessions are Beavers 6-7pm Cubs and Scouts 7-8:30pm
Our usual schedule is as follows
Beaver Scouts – aged 6yrs to 8yrs
Thursday evenings – 6.00pm to 7.30pm
Cub Scouts – aged 8yrs to 10.5yrs
Wednesday evenings – 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Scouts – aged 10.5yrs to 14yrs
Tuesday evenings – 7.00pm to 8.30pm
All sections meetings follow the school terms.
Our volunteer leader teams run a full active and exciting programme for our young people. We encourage all members to take an active part in the activities and camps that are arranged.
For example, in the Scout Troop, there are generally trips, activities, events or camps available through out the year.
Membership subscriptions from 2022 onwards are currently £12 per month, by setting up payments through our Online Scout Manager system using GoCardless, or by other arrangement with section leaders and our Treasurer.
Camps and activities are extra and charged accordingly.
Parental responsibilities – it is assumed that by allowing their child to join Church Riverside Scout Group, parents will be supporting their child, and the leaders that run the Group.
You can support your young people in a number of ways:
- by paying membership subscriptions and activity / camp fees promptly.
- by providing uniform as required
- by helping with transport to and from events and camps
- by supporting Group fund raising events
- by joining in with our programme – all sections now operate a parent helper rota. Please get involved!!
- by helping behind the scenes with admin / committee / headquarters / equipment / grounds maintenance etc
- by helping out as a leader, assistant leader or helper (DBS check required). Scouting has an excellent adult training scheme in place.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Church Riverside Scout Group – Membership Online Waiting List Application Form – click HERE
or use the link manually
Paul Willett
Acting Group Scout Leader
Church Riverside Scout Group
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Cubs-Category
- Hits: 13594
All Members were Invited to the
Annual General Meeting of the Church Riverside Scout Group Council
in 2022
July 2023
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Cubs-Category
- Hits: 13886
The Beavers were visited by Rachel Carne the local PCSO.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Cubs-Category
- Hits: 13799
All the sections were Invited to take part in the International Jambowlree at GoBowling Dunstable
as the Event at the End of Summer Term 2022
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Cubs-Category
- Hits: 13275
We were effectively shut down during the Covid 19 Pandemic
The sections only able to meet online using Zoom