Category: Cubs-Category
Hits: 24923

#Skills for Life

“Scouts prepares young people for better futures. It gives them skills to achieve the remarkable and develop a deeper understanding of our rapidly changing world”

At Church Riverside we provide the opportunity to do more, share more and be more, delivering an exciting programe to young people aged between 6 and 14 years of age.

Church Riverside Scout Group is part of the The Scout Association UK(TSA) in Leighton Linslade District, Bedfordshire.

Though we have been in the town for many years and have our own HQ on Hockliffe Road, it has been Flooded recently, so we are currently meeting at 1st Leighton Buzzards HQ on Grovebury Road on Wednesday evenings.

The Group accepts both boys and girls aged from 5 3/4 to 14 years of age, though we may have 14-18 year olds helping as Young Leaders.

The Group is managed by the Management Team, which comprises a mix of veteran Scouters and parents from the Group. We are entirely run by volunteers so we encourage parents to get involved whether on a rota, or behind the scenes as part of the Team.

If you would like to know more, then check out our site, contact us, or take a look at the official association site too.

If you're interested in joining the Group please visit  Join the Group  page


Section Leaders

Beaver Scout Leader

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Cub Scout Leader

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Scout Leader

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Group Scout Leader
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Charity number: 300464