Category: Cubs
Hits: 3508

The Cubs

Cub Scouts is the second section in the Scouting family, after Beavers and before Scouts. 

A Cub Scout is typically 8 - 10.5yrs old.


Cub Section Leaders

Cub Scout Leader (CSL) - Paul Willett known as Akela  email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Cub Scout Leader (ACSL) - Vacant Position


Vacancies - Assistant Cub Scout Leader (ACSLs)

Our ACSL left us, so we have an ongoing need of adult support in the Cub section,

if you're interested in helping out or joining the Team, please contact Akela


What do cubs do?

Cub Scouts do a wide range of activities, including the occasional camp.  Activities range from arts and crafts, to climbing and abseiling, to kayaking and sailing – we like to give the Cubs a taste of the adventure that Scouting has to offer!

Our programme is carefully planned according to the “Balanced Programme” philosophy that scouting promotes in order to provide a wide range of activities and experiences.


For more info see the Scout Associations Official website about Cubs